Pack Your Pump
- extra parts (valves, membranes, tubes, back flows - extra parts for whatever pump you have: SPECTRA 1 & 2: )
- extra batteries for your battery back, plugs are packed
- charge pump (specta 1: ) and make sure you put charger or extra charger in bag
- pump bag (this is what I have: )
Pack your storage:
- I pack a full sleeve of milk storage bags (I prefer the lasinoh brand or target brand)
- I pack 1 gallon bag to store used bottle and flanges in
- 1 pack 2-3 gallon bags to use later
- small travel pack of wipes (or two if traveling a few days)
- 1 soft lunchbox with liner (I have one like this: )
- 2 soft or flat ice pouches (ones from kids’ lunch boxes work great!)
- sharpie marker to label with dates, oz and gallon bags with your name if needed
- pump into bags (if you have a medela) or pump into bottles right away
- store milk in 3 oz at a time (will make security easier)
- now i used all the time I could and would wait to place in refrigerator so I’d leave out for 5-6 hours in counter, in gallon bag in my pump bag if around town
- once I got to hotel / house i would place in the REFRIGERATOR not the freezer
- I placed the lunch box and ice packs in freezer if possible during the duration of my trip
- once I got to a certain amount of milk (about 20-30 oz) i would place in a gallon bag and lay flat in refrigerator (this worked in a hotel size too!)
- keep pumping and storing in 3-4 oz increments and organizing in gallon bags
- pack up all pumped milk in gallon bags (make sure they’re zipped!)
- place gallon bags into lunch box with ice packs (I can get 3 gallon bags of milk into my lunch box)
- place ice packs on sides and or top wherever they fit best
- this should keep them cold for your travel day home - I checked on them periodically and if needed i would just grab some ice from a restaurant and place on top of bags.
- leave 1 - 3 oz milk bag OUT so if they flag you at security you’re not undoing all your hard work and they have a bag to test
- I have been asked to test every bag, we laughed in the guys face and said absolutely not. I have 90 oz of milk and you’re not opening them all (hence now why I leave 1 bag out)
- they just do a vapor test and do not even touch the milk so it’s not a big deal other than time & fear of them spilling my gold!
-ALSO download the app called MAMAVA — they are a company with little pods over airports, arenas, etc and were very clean and easily accessible but you have to have this app to unlock the door (it’s a great service!)
- is refrigerator isn’t cold enough I would get the ice bucket bag and fill it with ice and place that on top of milk bags in fridge
- is no refrigerator in the hotel, ask them to take your DAY lot down to their kitchen fridge (label your stuff and send in your lunch box)
- if you don’t want to bring ice packs you can also use ice in gallon bags from hotel - it will just take up more space
- carryon suitcase
- carryon soft bag
- pump bag
- milk lunch box bag I shoved into my pump bag just to not have a ton to carry - one delta worker said something and i just responded “it’s not a personal packed bag, it’s a pump bag - kind of like a baby! 🤷🏼♀️’
I traveled home with about 70 oz of milk for Lincoln @ 13 months old! Blessed we are for sure!
Thank you for reading this this far, if this was helpful please dont hesitate to email me @ and let me know!
If you are a momma who is breastfeeding and need help with supply, nutrition and your health I’m only a message away and would be happy to share my post partum journey and routine with you! Just fill out this link right. here: