How will be the GOOD in COVID-19

Sitting here working today…and just got flooded with emotion, if Matthew wasn’t on a call next to me I pry would have lost it.

Nothing Else by Cody Carnes came on and it just spoke to my heart so much…these lyrics just sat with me for a bit

….I just want to sit here at Your feet.

….I am caught up in this holy moment

….I never want to leave

….I am not here for blessing

….Jesus you don't owe me anything

….more than anything you can do, I just want you.

When life gets a little stressful, when life gets a little chaotic, when life feels out of control and a little unknown, the best thing I can do for my soul is turn on some worship, nothing stops me in my tracks, literally my keystrokes stopped, I couldn’t concentrate on work any longer…is worship.

He can use that to speak to you in so many ways, in so many moments, don’t be scared to put that music on all day long, turn on pandora and push HILLSONG WORSHIP and let those words bring you peace…or on Spotify, so many awesome free options.

I cannot believe this is our world today, this is the world my kids are going to grow up in and know, that this moment is history in the making and something they will learn about in the years to come…and we as their parents are going to be their memory, how we act, how we react, the part we play, how much we bring Jesus into this and the PROMISE He has for us is so much more than this and that ALL THINGS CAN BE USED FOR GOOD.

All of this is HARD….we all have our levels of hard but at the end of all this is, will you change things in your life? Will you make some things a priority or some one a priority maybe you haven’t been? Will you do something for yourself that you’ve been putting off? Will you get straight with Jesus and do the things He’s been calling you to do.

There has to be GOOD out of this.

There has to be GROWTH out of this.

There has to be UNITY out of this. 

In and out our own four walls.

Turn on the worship, let Him comfort you, guide you and BE WITH YOU during this season so He can USE you in the seasons to come.

Spotify worship list


Pack Your Pump

- extra parts (valves, membranes, tubes, back flows - extra parts for whatever pump you have: SPECTRA 1 & 2: )

- extra batteries for your battery back, plugs are packed 

- charge pump (specta 1: ) and make sure you put charger or extra charger in bag 

- pump bag (this is what I have: )

Pack your storage:

- I pack a full sleeve of milk storage bags (I prefer the lasinoh brand or target brand) 

- I pack 1 gallon bag to store used bottle and flanges in

- 1 pack 2-3 gallon bags to use later 

- small travel pack of wipes (or two if traveling a few days) 

- 1 soft lunchbox with liner (I have one like this: )

- 2 soft or flat ice pouches (ones from kids’ lunch boxes work great!) 

- sharpie marker to label with dates, oz and gallon bags with your name if needed 


- pump into bags (if you have a medela) or pump into bottles right away 

- store milk in 3 oz at a time (will make security easier) 

-  now i used all the time I could and would wait to place in refrigerator so I’d leave out for 5-6 hours in counter, in gallon bag in my pump bag if around town

- once I got to hotel / house i would place in the REFRIGERATOR not the freezer 

- I placed the lunch box and ice packs in freezer if possible during the duration of my trip 

- once I got to a certain amount of milk (about 20-30 oz) i would place in a gallon bag and lay flat in refrigerator (this worked in a hotel size too!) 

- keep pumping and storing in 3-4 oz increments and organizing in gallon bags 


- pack up all pumped milk in gallon bags (make sure they’re zipped!)

- place gallon bags into lunch box with ice packs (I can get 3 gallon bags of milk into my lunch box)

- place ice packs on sides and or top wherever they fit best 

- this should keep them cold for your travel day home -  I checked on them periodically and if needed i would just grab some ice from a restaurant and place on top of bags. 

- leave 1 - 3 oz milk bag OUT so if they flag you at security you’re not undoing all your hard work and they have a bag to test

- I have been asked to test every bag, we laughed in the guys face and said absolutely not. I have 90 oz of milk and you’re not opening them all (hence now why I leave 1 bag out) 

- they just do a vapor test and do not even touch the milk so it’s not a big deal other than time & fear of them spilling my gold! 

-ALSO download the app called MAMAVA — they are a company with little pods over airports, arenas, etc and were very clean and easily accessible but you have to have this app to unlock the door (it’s a great service!)


- is refrigerator isn’t cold enough I would get the ice bucket bag and fill it with ice and place that on top of milk bags in fridge 

- is no refrigerator in the hotel, ask them to take your DAY lot down to their kitchen fridge (label your stuff and send in your lunch box) 

- if you don’t want to bring ice packs you can also use ice in gallon bags from hotel - it will just take up more space 


- carryon suitcase 

- carryon soft bag 

- pump bag 

- milk lunch box bag I shoved into my pump bag just to not have a ton to carry - one delta worker said something and i just responded “it’s not a personal packed bag, it’s a pump bag - kind of like a baby! 🤷🏼‍♀️’ 

I traveled home with about 70 oz of milk for Lincoln @ 13 months old! Blessed we are for sure!

I traveled home with about 70 oz of milk for Lincoln @ 13 months old! Blessed we are for sure!

Thank you for reading this this far, if this was helpful please dont hesitate to email me @ and let me know!

If you are a momma who is breastfeeding and need help with supply, nutrition and your health I’m only a message away and would be happy to share my post partum journey and routine with you! Just fill out this link right. here:

All Good Things Take Time...Lincoln's Birth Story Part 2

I googled, for so long..."what does it feel like when your water breaks?"

Websites would simply state "a weird popping feeling"....and I didn't think that was very helpful. 

But March 29, 2018 at 11:00 PM I now knew 100% what that feeling felt like. 

I laid half on my belly half on my side with my left leg bent and up to my shoulders as high as possible...a move I read in the  miles circuit and well...I had to try it, so I did and fell asleep...

Only to wake up two hours later to a weird "pop" feeling in my belly....

...and HORRIBLE PAIN...the pain kept coming every 2-3 minutes,  I couldnt believe it, they were INTENSE. I ran into the bathroom full expecting a huge gush of water to come out when I stood up but nothing...I waddled my 39 week pregnant body into the bathroom and by the time I got there, another contraction about 60 seconds. IMMENSE pain. 

I sat there contemplating what the heck to do, I still hadn't woke up Matthew, I wasn't quite sure what I was supposed to do....then I realized I had to go to the bathroom and I panicked that this baby was about to be born in my bathroom on the floor or in the toilet. If I could write emojis, this would be full of them right now. 

I went to the bathroom and there it was...if you've never had your water break, it's really hard to describe but at first it wasn't a huge gush like the movies, so I was a little confused but there it was a steady stream of almost a gelatin looking liquid. Super strange...and there they were again, those dang contractions.

Finally, screaming for Matthew, we woke up....he TEXTED my dad, to which I waddled over to my phone and called him saying "You need to get here now, run lights, speed, I'll pay your ticket but this child is on it's way..."

He had a 20 minute drive. 

So while he drove, we got everything together, a towel in the front seat and waited with the garage door open. When he was just down the street we pulled out of the driveway so fast. I was gripping the OH SHIT HANDLE like no tomorrow, bracing myself every 2-3 minutes with contractions.

We arrived at the hospital where the guy greeted me with a wheel chair, I was so nervous to sit in it because I knew it wasn't going to be pretty but I needed the chair. Got to L&D and....they actually asked me to be WEIGHED, I couldn't believe, and as I stood up the movie scene of my water breaking happened. All over. 

A positive amniotic fluid floor test is what the nurse called it. I walked into a room and as I started to get the gown on, it happened again....all over. So i threw out any clothes from my waist down and got into the bed...grimacing with pain. 

A nurse finally walked in "you dont look so good" shit, I'm in so much pain and I was starting to panic I wouldn't get the antibiotics in before the baby was born, I had tested positive for strep B. So I was freaking out. 

As she's walking around the room Matthew and I both told her "be careful on that side of the bed" , she glances down "what's that from?" 

We stare at her, faces straight as can be..."ummm my water broke remember?"

"oh yeah! i thought it was like a slushie spilled or something"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Just get me the heck checked and upstairs please. All the while, contractions coming every 2-2.5 minutes. 

They check me, I was at 6 cm and fully effaced, contractions on the monitor starting every 2 minutes! They prepped me with an IV and wheeled me upstairs. 

By 1 AM I had my first bag of antibiotics running and my epidural was IN!! We (me, my amazing nurse, the resident and my doctor)decided to just the let the epidural to allow me to rest as much as possible, while my doctor went and caught a short nap too. 

Now, I like to still feel my epidural, so we had them do a slow drip or something so that i could still TELL and FEEL my contractions but I wasn't feeling like my body half was about to rip off either. 

So we rested, we also decided no checks until we got the second bag of antibiotics hung,, legally we had to get that STARTED in me before the baby came to avoid any other further testing and hospital stays. So at 4:45 we finally were able to hang that second bag, and she did the check.

"there he is. i can feel his head, are you ready to have a baby!?!" 

WHAT?! I wasn't even feeling the sense to push at all (i hadn't with Hayden either, they finally made me after sitting at 10 CM for about an hour or something) we chatted and i said "i don't feel like I need to push, I"m afraid to start because what if it takes too long? maybe my body isn't quite ready?!" 

I asked for 15 minutes to get my mind right and asked if there were any positions to help bring him further down, so I sat in a butterfly position after the nurses and doctor left...2 minutes later I pushed my button and I said :"he's ready, we're ready lets try to push" 

So we did, a soft little push and Dr. V watched him flip his cute little head from sunny-side up (this is how i delivered Hayden YIKES!) to the best birthing here we went. 

FYI --- I was hesitant on the mirror with Hayden, but it worked so well, so we brought it in FIRST THING with Lincoln and watched the whole thing, if you're unsure about this, put your reservations aside and embrace it,  it was fricken awesome!! 

I watched each time I pushed, his head get closer and closer and we finally had him RIGHT THERE only to see the cord was wrapped underneath his arm and around - kind of like a drawstring backpack I doctor had to do an epsiotomy (i had one with Hayden) and once we did that, little man came RIGHT OUT -- 15 minutes of pushing and he was here, in our arms. 

Lincoln Matthew made his grand debut and I was so in love. We were so in love. all I kept saying was "i did it, we did it, he's here, i fricken did it, that was amazing!" And this birth, allowed me to just hold him, they didnt weigh, measure or do anything for an hour, it was fabulous. We just sat there together, just us while they handled the rest of me and cleaned it all up. 

When they finally did weigh and measure, he was 7 pounds 13 ounces and 21.5 inches long (the same exact measurements as Hayden!!!).

There is no feeling like birthing a baby. 

Joy. Accomplishment. Pride. Confidence. Empowered. Completion. Happiness. Beautiful. 

That moment when you become a mother again, there's nothing like it. When I have a bad day, when I feel overwhelmed, when I feel inadequate as a mother, I remember those moments and each time it happens, I feel more empowered and connected spiritually. 

I am so thankful for the story God is writing for our family.

She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.

Proverbs 31:25




All Good Things Take Time...Lincoln's BirthStory Part 1

whew, it's been THREE MONTHS since we welcomed Lincoln Matthew into the world...I cannot believe it! I have been meaning to write his birth story for months but I haven't made it a priority...4 kids, a husband and a business will take that away from you! 

but it's time to get this story in writing! 

For those who are just joining the following or don't quite remember -- I wasn't open to having more children until 2015ish when I was reading a book about how if we as christians stop having more children -- then how will the word of Jesus continue? That stopped me in my tracks. I was seflishly deciding we were done having children. After a year of heart transformation in 2015 to 2016, I was pregnant with Hayden...and in our deepest of hearts we knew God wasn't quite finished at that time but we weren't quite ready for that positive pregnancy test at just 10 months post to get to how Lincoln decided to enter this earthly world. 

I was having contractions on and off for WEEKS -- like two weeks of horrible contractions, some days were awful. I was in so much pain for hours at a time and then they would suddenly disappear. 

On Monday March 19 I went to the hospital because I thought my water was having a small eak paired with contractions every 7-8 minutes...for I went in for precaution! amniotic fluid or any dilation! 

We went through the week and carried on with events, business life and workouts! My goal was to make it through to 38 weeks and 6 days to make sure I had my mommy and me movie date with Grayson...and we did it! We made our night out <3

On Wednesday March 28 we had our check up for 39 weeks and I was about 70% effaced and 3 CM dilated...I was SOOO EXCITED to have been that far...the contractions I was feeling weren't for nothing...something was being done! We left the office and I started to have contractions for the WHOLE DAY --- like every 5-6 minutes for hours so I called my dad and he came to stay with the kids and Matthew and I went to the hospital to see what was happening in there and down there.

She checked me. STILL 3 cm. I had been contracting for like 8 hours and NOTHING changed again...if you've never heard of prodromal labor, this is it. 

Real labor pains but they don't do anything to dilate your cervix...super fun stuff, and quite miserable! Anyways,

We did baths, we did walking, we laid...and NOTHING, so she gave me some ambien to sleep at home and just allow my body to REST since these contractions were making me miserable while still having to care for the three kiddos ;) We went home and SLEEP I DID! I don't remember anything after I drunkingly walked into the bedroom and I slept for about 9 hours straight. It was glorious. 

Waking up Thursday I was determined to move things along so I:

>> went for a 1 mile walk pushing the stroller

>> sat in butterfly position

>> did yoga videos to help activate labor

>> went for another 2 mile walk around 4:30 pm 

which all this caused me to have contractions, lots of contractions and they were about 5-6 minutes apart but at this point in my mental game...I was convinced they weren't doing anything and carried on with our day. My parents came over for dinner and I was in need of some time away.

My mom and I went to the mall and we walked for 40 minutes where I was having contractions every 2-3 minutes the entire time. YIKES!! I was keeling over the mall railing, holding my breath through contractions but yet...I was convinced these weren't real. haha!! We went home, I told them to leave and I'd see them later. My dad insisted on staying but I told him that was ridiculous, this baby wasn't coming.

they left. i went to bed.

I laid half on my belly half on my side with my left leg bent and up to my shoulders as high as possible...a move I read in the  miles circuit and well...I had to try it, so I did and fell asleep...

Only to wake up two hours later to a weird "pop" feeling in my belly!! 

"When I am afraid I will trust in YOU" Psalm 56:3

Stay tuned for PART 2 


Overcoming the Impossible, Daily.

How will I handle twins? 

How will we be able to care for two newborns at the same time? 

Will they be okay if they're preemie? 

These questions and clearly MANY MANY more flooded my head as we went into our first ultrasound in March of 2012....the ultrasound at 7 weeks showed not 1 but 2 hearbeats. 

We weren't just going to be parents, we were going to be parents to TWO BABIES at one time. 

That was the first moment of many that my brain started forming all kinds of questions and self doubt started to creep in.

Questioning how it was going to be possible and how I was going to be capable to be a good mom two these two babies. 

Fast forward to their arrival and it's crazy, motherhood instincts just do ARRIVE. I was never one to really hold a baby let alone figure out their needs for food, sleep, burping, or getting on any time of schedule. You just, figure it out, you do it, you accomplish what feels like impossible because we have no other choice. 

But i will attribute to making it through going from ZERO babies to TWO babies to surrounding myself with people who were going through the same thing. First I met a woman named Pam who was also exclusively pumping for her boy girl twins who were 3 weeks younger than mine, we formed a friendship that resulted in all day text session, middle of the night pumping and sleep questions, a person to vent too, a person to go through the journey with who completely understood my successes, my fears, my worries, my lack of time for other people...and from there I just kept adding to my community in PERSON (Laurie and Brandi are now my two best friends) and online with thousands of other moms who have boy/girl twins.

Community. Teamwork in marriage. It's how we just handled it and got through it. 

Fast forward three 2016 when we were about to add in our third baby. And those same questions came FLOODING BACK, the self doubt crept back in and I was doubting how I was going to be able to care for the twins (they were almost 4 at the time) and a newborn, because this time I did know the time commitment that a newborn baby needed.

The struggle with adding in Hayden with 3 year old twins -- feeling like I was missing out on events with the twins as Matthew took them out for dinners, church, etc. It was hard being up all night with Hayden and then parenting the three kids, running the house hold and TRY to handle a business (which I let dwindle down a little bit). BUT the age gap for the twins understanding what was happening was PERFECT! 

The twins were in school Monday through Friday 9-1, so I was able to soak up solid 1:1 time with Hayden, I was able to have that singleton, first born experience except I was a lot more confident in my ability to care for a newborn so I didn't have those new mom jitters and anxiety. The twins were able to hang out with me, help me with the diapers and wipes, help me pick out her clothes and headbands, they had a blast being BIG BROTHER AND BIG SISTER! And when they got home from school, Hayden would go down for her second nap and I had time with them <3 

This gap, was amazing. I had the best of both worlds -- I had 1:1 with Hayden and time with the twins and night time I took care of Hayden first and Matthew and i conquered the twins together! 

Now, fast forward to adding Lincoln into the mix. That was a shock. That was 100% a surprise since I was still nursing Hayden and lacked a consistent period....and to be honest I was happy with three babies, but God had different plans for our family and I am so glad He did despite the change it brought. 

Lincoln was my healthiest, most motivating and active pregnancy. I felt the best both physically and mentally with him than either of the first two which really helped me be excited and still be able to handle my duties as mom, wife, coach and moving across the country! Now that he is has flipped around a bit :/ 

I was more nervous adding Lincoln to our family than adding twins in the beginning because I know the demands of nursing a newborn/baby, I know the potential for a crappy sleep schedule, teething, growth spurts and leaps...I know because I had just barely ended that stage when we got pregnant with him ;) So this has been in my opioion, my toughest transition. 

The twins are gone all day at school 8:30-3:30 which is great, but then makes me feel a bit guilty that when they're home at night there are two more needy kiddos, dinner to make, prep for the next day and just spending time with them as a family. So I will have to be creative in how i get those special moments with them as we adjust to this new normal. 

It's been difficult with Hayden, who's been used to having JUST ME for the last 20 months, and now she has to share me with a newborn. She's happy, she loves him but she is also still a baby in my eyes, learning words, hitting milestones, teething, learning how to express herself and what she needs. She's independent and a great kid but there's been a huge adjustment for both us as we navigate adding Lincoln into our schedule and our 1:1 time. 

I've gone through several transitions: going from 0 to 2 kids, adding in a 3rd kid with a 3 year age gap and adding in a 4th kid with a smaller age gap to the family. I've come to this conclusion: 

> kids are HARD

> transitions and adjustments depend on YOUR attitude and how you handle it

> know how your kiddos adjust -- and plan accordingly, my kids have always transitioned to things very well, change doesn't freak them out too much

> there will be a different kind of hard for every age gap you have

> mom guilt is a real thing and it doesn't ever go away

> You will also do the best you can and that is enough. 

Motherhood is hard whether you have 1 kid, 2 kids or 6 kids. They develop their own routines, own personalities, own hobbies and skills...and we have to adjust to them, for them, embrace them and encourage those positive attributes to EXCEL. IN LIFE. 

When it comes down to it: love your kids, teach them how to be kind, teach them to love people no matter what, be patient with them, learn their personalities and embrace them, show them teamwork in your marriage...the rest is just details and somehow we always find a way to make what feels like impossible, work every day.

Because we have too. Because we get too. Because it's the hardest most rewarding job around when we do it. <3 

Love can be MULTIPLIED

It's been a bit since I've written...It's been a bit since I've been able to have my own thoughts, feelings and emotions about this new baby we are just weeks away from welcoming...and what this really means. 

There has been so much change for our family already that adding another baby hasn't really crossed my mind until recently -- I've just been pregnant adjusting to a toddler, two kids in school all day, a new home, a new life....that the IDEA of a newborn has only been recent. 

And there are days when I am fearful of will I be able to do it, days I feel overwhelmed and how in the world am I going to add a newborn? adding in nursing into our schedule? But then I think about what I am about to do...

I am about to welcome a baby into this world....and that's amazing because I know what's coming.

As a third time mom (first were twins!) -- I know what to expect both the good and the bad and there's peace that comes with that. 

I can expect some sleepless nights

I can expect little time with my spouse.

I can expect quick and conveient meals.

I can expect a messy house.

I can expect things getting done but maybe not quite the way I would.

I can expect a whole new learning curve with this baby because each baby is different. 

I can expect a lot of change.

But I also can expect my love to grow, just when I think my heart is full enough. 

I have five year old twins - Grayson and Brooklynn and I remember not wanting more kids because how could I love anyone else like I love them? How could I divide my time even more? How could I spread my attention around? How could I feel about anyone else the way these two made me feel? 

Then I had Hayden...and she completely rocked my world -- our whole family. To see Brooklynn and Grayson become BIG BROTHER AND SISTER was such a fun thing to watch, to watch them care for her, speak to her, hug on her, kiss on her, ask about her...and just LOVE her....rocked my world as a mom. 

Now that she's developed a personality, can play, eat and copy's even better. 

So I sit here anxiously anticipating the arrival of baby 4 -- I know all the hard to expect, the changes...but I also know this:

I get to watch first smiles again.

I get to witness the first roll over.

I get to nurse again.

I get to watch this baby giggle.

I get to watch Hayden become a big sister and watch her grow in her role.

I get to watch Brooklynn and Grayson become THE BIG KIDS of the house even more. 

I get to watch this little one grow into a toddler with a personality. 

I get to watch them experience the world, learn about the world.

I get to watch them BE LOVED on by so many. 

I get to see how God is going to use this baby to be a light in the world.

I get to see how this baby is going to complete our family and bring JOY & ADVENTURE to it (as if we could add more ;))

If you're a momma who's expecting their second and you're doubting the love you could give this second baby. If you're a momma who is hesitant to welcome another baby out of fear of what will change...I'm here to encourage you that YOU KNOW what to expect sure, but there is a whole new level of motherhood waiting for you and it's BEAUTIFUL. It's amazing to watch the first little human be able to mimic you, copy you, love on the baby and grow up in their role in the house. 

It's amazing to watch how the same genes, the same enviornment can bring out such different personalities for each of your kids. 

Grayson is our inquisitive one, he's proud of his accomplishments, what he knows and he wants to make sure you know the most humbling way possible.

Brooklynn is our artist and entertainer, she's our girlie girl diva - the pinker, the sparklier, the better but she has a huge heart of love for her siblings and is always thinking of others. 

Hayden is the life of the party. She's funny, she's incredibly smart, she copy cats and catches on quick.

Three kids. Three different personalities. Three different God given purposes for their time here. And now we have the honor of doing this again and watching baby 4 round out our family (hoping for a big kid, athlete style ;))'s a gift. It's what's making me so excited to welcome this baby because I know that beyond the hard newborn stage and everyone becoming acclimated to our new family member....comes great relationship, even more love, our hearts grow and show us a piece that was missing and we didn't even know it. 

God knows your heart, what you can handle......and He knows better than you even do. <3



Finding Passion through Purpose

Have you ever failed? 🙅🏼‍♀️
Have you ever set a goal for yourself or for a team of people....and you missed it? 🤦🏼‍♀️
Have you ever set a goal but felt a little lost on how to get there?🤷🏼‍♀️
Have you ever accomplished something AMAZING and struggled to get there again? 🙋🏼‍♀️

I have. 🙋🏻‍♀️To all of the above.

Most of you know I run an in home online 💻fitness coaching business -- one I am very passionate about. I love what I do, I love who I do with and what I use to accomplish it.

I started this business to simply pay for a babysitter when I became a new momma to twins 👦🏼👧🏼5 years ago...I never intended to make anything significant with it....I wanted to make about $300-400 to cover our families superfoods each month + date night out....and maybe some mani/pedis ;)& I accomplished that by month 9! 💃🏼💃🏼

5 years later I am running a 6-figure earning business between nap times, bed times and any little moment I can -- because as much as I fight it...I just love it. 💕❣️

This journey hasn't been easy -- I have felt the sting of some of my best coaches leaving for various reasons (it's not for everyone in every season of life), I have felt the sting of missing goals and letting down my team as I navigate this journey of motherhood God has me on....I was struggling seeing how I could keep up this business and obtain the opportunity I know it has for me, our family, my clients and my current & future coaches....and I almost quit🙅🏼‍♀️. I almost said this is not what God has for me, He clearly wants me in the position of mother as I keep getting pregnant 😂🤣

And yes, there is truth to that, God does want me to be a mom #1, and embrace the journey of motherhood with joy instead of chaos. But I believe He gifted me the passion of fitness🏋🏼‍♀️, the passion of Him 🙌🏻, the passion of encouragement, the JOY I experience when a client or coach achieves a goal they never thought possible. 💯💯 When a mom tells me she's enjoying herself again because of a verse, quote I shared....or a workout regimen she started. 👊🏻✨

It truly brings joy to my heart ❣️and my day. And I wasn't ready to give that up...but I needed to find balance, I needed to find a greater purpose for my business...and when I look at my team of coaches NOW, my team of rockstar moms for the most part...

I see my people. 👯‍♀️
I see my purpose.🤱🏼
I see God's divine plan for both of these amazing journies to connect and intertwine together. I just had to wait for His plans to come to fruition and my goals needed to align with HIS bigger purpose.

This year, yes I set some awesome goals for our team to accomplish but I also set some PURPOSEFUL goals and INTENTIONAL goals to help the moms on this page, find & embrace this journey of motherhood with JOY.

Maybe that's you, maybe you're a stay at home mom with the desire to DO MORE, GIVE MORE, FEEL MORE than the day to day hustle of motherhood...there is no shame in that (i'm still fighting that limiting belief too), because God gave us some amazing gifts and talents to use FOR motherhood but also for our hobbies, passions, for other people to experience and grow from. 💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️

My purpose is to help the mom 👩‍👧‍👦who is happy to be a mom but struggling finding full fulfillment in that role - because it's a lie society tells us. Because we are moms, this has to be our all consuming role. Or is struggling to love her new post partum body with stretch marks and cellulite.

My goal is to help 🔟 moms every month in some way find JOY in their life again, find HAPPINESS 😀 in the hustle of motherhood, to feel beautiful in their new skin, to use the talents and gifts God has given you and help you on YOUR motherhood journey as I navigate mine. 👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️

I don't know 🤷🏼‍♀️how this will all play together, but I know I am excited to see God's plan fall into place as I patiently wait for His timing of it all. I know that next month is my second Obedient Motherhood launch group to start - and to work with these 8 mommas next month to help them feel CONFIDENT AND JOYFUL in their journey. ✨👊🏻💃🏼

& while I do that, while my team and I set out to help our people...we will be able to help our families and their families along the way...because the change in the home starts with MOM.

If any part of this HIT HOME for you, if you're a mom who loves being a mom but feeling unfulfilled and you're not sure why - I'd love to chat with you! Just as friends...if you're interested in what I DO as a coach and how it's helped me grow closer in my relationship with Jesus, how it's helped me be a better mom and wife, how it's helped me find Brittanie after becoming a mom (again, and again and again), I'd love to talk to you, to see if maybe God's whisper on your heart is for this journey too.❣️😀🙌🏻



Planning Family Dinner Tips

Dinner....the death of me. 

Kidding, but serious, why is this the hardest meal of the day to get through? Why is this the hardest meal to have kids eat? Why is this the hardest meal to plan and have everyone enjoy? 

And on top of it, uses the the most dishes ;) 

Before we moved back to Michigan, our family dinners were less than was me making quick and easy meals for the kids -- microwave veggies, noodles of some sort, frozen chicken nuggets, chicken sausage or left over meat...and while they ate, I would rummage through the kitchen and make something have way healthy for me and Matthew. There was NO enjoyment when Dinner time arrived. 

It was rushed. It was chaotic. It wasn't healthy. It wasn't fun. It wasn't family.

It was the time of day I would get through. 

So when we moved and the twins (5) were now in school all day, it was something I wanted to change...I wanted to make dinner time healthier, enjoyable, more family time vs. a time of day to check off the list. 

But that meant, I had to have a plan....I needed to not wing it each week, each night, I needed to take their needs and favorites into consideration as well as their health -- and ours! 

The first week...I failed because even though I had the plans in place, I was still rushing around trying to get all three kids a snack, they're playing...but they're also wanting to play with me because they haven't seen me all there was rushing, crying, and I wasn't getting that family time feel ;)

So the second week, I made my plan for the week (tips coming I promise!) and then I decided that my afternoon before  I picked them up I would get as much PREPPED, COOKED AND MADE as possible. For example, , on taco night, I made the chicken in the instant pot then put it in the fridge, cut up the peppers and got out all the tortillas and when dinner time rolled around, I just had to MAKE the actual taco, place in microwave (melt the cheese, warm the meat) and everyone had their dinner on the table at one time! 

I have now completed two full weeks using this system and I'm happy with our progress into our FAMILY DINNERS --- plus we have less leftovers, less waste and Hayden and I have an awesome for lunch too! <3 

These are the tips I have implemented the last two weeks that have helped have dinner on the table and make it less stressful! 

1. Look at your calendar and check for any special events
(business meetings, busy nights, spouse traveling, company coming, etc.)
2. Use 2-3 resources to find your recipes from
(blogs, websites, facebook, recipe book, etc) Love this Beachbody OnDemand Blog
3.  Pick 1 meal you can make ONE time to have TWO nights worth of meals
(I like to have Monday and Tuesday the sme meal)
4. Pick 1 meal that is Crockpot or Instant Pot friendly - super easy for both avenues!
5. Pick 1 meal that is NEW for the whole family or a new version of a favorite
(we skipped spaghetti one night and did Baked Ziti!)
6. Pick one EASY meal night or Leftovers
(for example I make the kids some pasta, chicken fries and their favorite veggies, breakfast for dinner or something super simple that the kids love!)
7. Plan for the weekend by looking at your events.
 Saturday I usually do a dinner out for us so we get out of the house.
 Sunday we do a family ask before we go to the store!

I write this out on a piece of paper (until my family command center is done!) and place it on the refrigerator so I can reference each night so I can check to make sure I have all I need + mentally plan for what I need to write out and then place that in my schedule for the day! 

I have twins who are 5 and a 17 month old so if the recipe is spicy or it is something I know 100% one or all won't like, I will modify the recipe for that child (change out the veggie or something)....but our new rule is EVERY ONE has to try the meal and if they don't like's leftovers from the night before, PB&J or a Daily Sunshine nutrition shake for dinner. I won't offer them their favs (they love frozen chicken fries from Aldi's and Protein Plus noodles with butter and cheese) ;) 

it's worked well for us, still a work in progress some nights for all of us to sit down at one time but we are all in the kitchen, eating the same meal and we're all eating HEALTHY.

And as a mom, the only thing making me cringe for dinner is the clean up, can someone else come do that? ;) 

Please let me know if this was helpful by commenting below! <3 Want to make sure you're getting what you came for!! If you need help with your whole day and planning for balance, energy and weight loss you can email me here: and we can chat! 



Dinner Meal Plan Tips for the Family.png

All God Has for you in the Ministry of Motherhood

It's been awhile since I've wrote a blog post....there has been so much change, so much chaos and new routines and I have finally (I think) had a moment to think about all of this and continue with the purpose and mission I felt God calling me too in November. 

It's no surprise to anyone this baby (#4 due in April) was a surprise to us....we definitely had the mindset that if God wanted us to have more kids, we would be open to it so we weren't stopping anything -- I just was shocked it happened while still nursing Hayden...and I had minimal periods and minimal symptoms. But here we are, 28 weeks pregnant and we have made the move home to Michigan to be by family, live a little differently and bring our kids up in the midwest, where we were both born and raised. 

But that's not all I wanted to change...I wanted to change and needed to change the way I looked and viewed motherhood. It started shifting when I was pregnant with Hayden because that was a God thing too ....but I could still sense my own dreams and goals for my life creeping in and taking precedence over what God has for my life. 

"God's loyal love couldn't have run out, his merciful love couldn't have dried up. They're created new every morning. How great your faithfulness"

Lamentations 3:20-23

Clearly He wants me to be a mother, this motherhood stage of young kids, toddlers and infants leaves little room for much else without getting burned out. And for the last 5 years, I have been running a very successful online health coaching company. I was at the top of my own personal game when i got pregnant with Hayden and to be honest, I've struggled to get back to there because the time and energy I was able to commit with 3 kids was a lot different than with 2.  

I had kept fighting what God had for me, I had a vision of motherhood in my head I wasn't fond of, I wanted more, I wanted to get back and beyond in my business. I had a different vision for my life than what God was handing me...and to be honest, because I want to be transparent, it hasn't been an easy transition....

But instead of being frustrated I decided that I had to meet God where He was at, because MOTHERHOOD was the calling and purpose He had on my life so I need to learn how to embrace this stage of life a little more joyously, passionately....most important PURPOSELY AND INTENTIONALLY.  So I have dove into personal development books about motherhood, how to be a better mom, how to stop comparing myself to other moms, myths and lies we tell ourselves as moms....I've been FOCUSING on being the BEST MOM TO MY KIDS.

I've been learning about the MINISTRY of motherhood and what that means instead of focusing on what society or my own beliefs about motherhood are.  I felt like following my own passions and dreams with my health coaching company made me a bad mom, I felt like taking time to do the business while my kids were awake made me a bad mom, I felt like waking up and working out and letting my husband wake up with the kids made me a bad many lies I have been telling myself. 

When in reality these are the things that make me a great mom; that teach my children. But it's HOW I GO ABOUT THE REST OF THE DAY and the ATTITUDE I have towards my day the true MINISTRY. 

And when I look at the habits and tasks that my health coaching business asks of me to do to be successful...they all make me a better mom too - but what I had been doing what putting that as a higher value than BEING A MOM. #guilty #swallowthepride

I know that by me working out, eating right, drinking water, reading devotions, reading personal development -- are all amazing tools that help me be the BEST VERSION of me and a HEALTHY version of me so I can be there for them, be there happy, be there with joy and teach them that importance. I know that God wants me to be successful as a mom and business owner. 

I know that by me doing all of these things and making changes in my family for our family to feel more joy, peace, happiness, calm, and some sort of flow -- I am able to help and inspire moms across the world to FIND THE SAME JOY IN THE MINISTRY OF MOTHERHOOD. 

My point in this, whether you are a working mom, a stay at home mom, work from home, part time working mom, single mom or married, whatever....God has so much for you in the ministry of motherhood. He has a journey of motherhood full of JOY, GRACE, PEACE, if we take the time to focus on Him and LISTEN to where He is calling us as mothers AND by taking care of ourselves so we feel confident to go take care of our families. 

I am launching monthly groups focusing JUST ON THESE exact things --- helping you find a fitness regimen that can work for you, a nutrition plan that works for families and weight loss, supplements to help you with your workouts or nutrition, a group to support you through this journey of motherhood and monthly book recommendations that we will read TOGETHER to help us see the ministry of motherhood through God's eyes. But it starts with US taking care of ourselves. 

If you're interested in learning more details about the Obedient Motherhood support groups, I would love to chat with you...I want to instill joy back into the journey of motherhood instead of anger, stress, frustration, comparison, restlessness, lack of contentment. Let's do this together starting in February. 

Please email me at so we can chat details and see if this is something for you. 

10 Things to Bring More Joy Into Your Home

If you have been following my journey you know my family and I are going through a lot of changes but the two biggest ones (littler changes stem from these two) are:

1. Moving across the country back to Michigan from Florida

2. Adding our 4th baby to our family in April

Because of these changes I could feel my anxiety, stress rising which wasn't leaving me very joyful in my I started to change my habits, thoughts and actions the last 10 days and so far they seem to have really helped not only my kids but myself feel more at peace, calm and joyful in the every day. So I wanted to share 10 things I have done or will do this month to help our family simplify and enjoy the season of change! 

These will be great to implement even if you're not going through a season of change but the feel of our home needs a face lift ;) 

  1. Get up early - rising an hour before the kids sets the tone for the day! 
  2. Spend time with God - I found a short and sweet devotion I am loving to help me you can purchase here: Grouchy to Great: Finding Joy in Motherhood
  3. Simplify my schedule - we have stayed at home more and said no to activities or have given the kids a choice
  4. De-cluttter - yes we are moving so this has been easier but doing this for toys, clothes, or just random places in the house has left LESS for me to have to clean up
  5. Give up on perfection - know that we can't do it all and that's okay
  6. Meal Plan - look at your week ahead to know what nights you have social events and dinner needs t be prepared before or maybe you have a special treat and hit up Chic Fil A! 
  7. Mom time out - I have scheduled a massage, a lunch with girlfriends or dinner or a manicure to get myself out of the house without doing a family or house task; this helps me relax and in turn my family ;)
  8. Play Music -- I have turned off the white noise of the TV (i have to have it on!) and have put on the Christian music station during the day, you could do toddler tunes or Christmas music -- it changes your whole mood! During my devotions, I listen to my worship play list (click HERE to see that list!) and in the car I have Christmas or Disney music to jam out with the kids!
  9. Give Grace to myself and others - God gives us grace of our imperfections every day; we need to do the same for ourselves and those around us.
  10. Memorize a scripture for the season you're in - this might be my favorite! right now my verse is John 15:11  I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete

I hope there is something on this list you can implement TODAY to help you bring some joy back into your day with your family --- to not hustle and shuffle through this holiday season but instead embrace the JOY it can bring to your household for the YEAR. <3