All Good Things Take Time...Lincoln's BirthStory Part 1

whew, it's been THREE MONTHS since we welcomed Lincoln Matthew into the world...I cannot believe it! I have been meaning to write his birth story for months but I haven't made it a priority...4 kids, a husband and a business will take that away from you! 

but it's time to get this story in writing! 

For those who are just joining the following or don't quite remember -- I wasn't open to having more children until 2015ish when I was reading a book about how if we as christians stop having more children -- then how will the word of Jesus continue? That stopped me in my tracks. I was seflishly deciding we were done having children. After a year of heart transformation in 2015 to 2016, I was pregnant with Hayden...and in our deepest of hearts we knew God wasn't quite finished at that time but we weren't quite ready for that positive pregnancy test at just 10 months post to get to how Lincoln decided to enter this earthly world. 

I was having contractions on and off for WEEKS -- like two weeks of horrible contractions, some days were awful. I was in so much pain for hours at a time and then they would suddenly disappear. 

On Monday March 19 I went to the hospital because I thought my water was having a small eak paired with contractions every 7-8 minutes...for I went in for precaution! amniotic fluid or any dilation! 

We went through the week and carried on with events, business life and workouts! My goal was to make it through to 38 weeks and 6 days to make sure I had my mommy and me movie date with Grayson...and we did it! We made our night out <3

On Wednesday March 28 we had our check up for 39 weeks and I was about 70% effaced and 3 CM dilated...I was SOOO EXCITED to have been that far...the contractions I was feeling weren't for nothing...something was being done! We left the office and I started to have contractions for the WHOLE DAY --- like every 5-6 minutes for hours so I called my dad and he came to stay with the kids and Matthew and I went to the hospital to see what was happening in there and down there.

She checked me. STILL 3 cm. I had been contracting for like 8 hours and NOTHING changed again...if you've never heard of prodromal labor, this is it. 

Real labor pains but they don't do anything to dilate your cervix...super fun stuff, and quite miserable! Anyways,

We did baths, we did walking, we laid...and NOTHING, so she gave me some ambien to sleep at home and just allow my body to REST since these contractions were making me miserable while still having to care for the three kiddos ;) We went home and SLEEP I DID! I don't remember anything after I drunkingly walked into the bedroom and I slept for about 9 hours straight. It was glorious. 

Waking up Thursday I was determined to move things along so I:

>> went for a 1 mile walk pushing the stroller

>> sat in butterfly position

>> did yoga videos to help activate labor

>> went for another 2 mile walk around 4:30 pm 

which all this caused me to have contractions, lots of contractions and they were about 5-6 minutes apart but at this point in my mental game...I was convinced they weren't doing anything and carried on with our day. My parents came over for dinner and I was in need of some time away.

My mom and I went to the mall and we walked for 40 minutes where I was having contractions every 2-3 minutes the entire time. YIKES!! I was keeling over the mall railing, holding my breath through contractions but yet...I was convinced these weren't real. haha!! We went home, I told them to leave and I'd see them later. My dad insisted on staying but I told him that was ridiculous, this baby wasn't coming.

they left. i went to bed.

I laid half on my belly half on my side with my left leg bent and up to my shoulders as high as possible...a move I read in the  miles circuit and well...I had to try it, so I did and fell asleep...

Only to wake up two hours later to a weird "pop" feeling in my belly!! 

"When I am afraid I will trust in YOU" Psalm 56:3

Stay tuned for PART 2